
Welcome to West Virginia American Water. We know just how important water is to daily life. It’s somehow involved in everything thing we do, everything we use. When you need it, you expect it to be there — and you expect it to be clean and safe. That’s what our skilled teams of experts care about most, and focus on every day. Our customers are our number one priority, and we are proud to deliver clean, safe, reliable and affordable water services. In West Virginia we serve about 550,000 people. To ensure your water is of the highest quality, we strictly follow regulations that are set by local authorities as well as federal standards set by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). Water is an integral part of life, and we take great pride in taking care of it.



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1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Charleston, WV 25302, USA

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wvma wvmac logoWVMA is West Virginia's leading voice in manufacturing. We champion policies at both state and federal levels, collaborating with groups like the American Chemistry Council. Our members receive exclusive expertise in environmental protection, workers' compensation, tax, and safety, along with enhanced industry connections.

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