
Every day the Chamber's staff, leaders and volunteers work to make West Virginia a better place to do business by giving private-sector employers a voice in state politics and protecting business interests before regulatory bodies, the Legislature and the courts. The West Virginia Chamber believes business must be a positive force for enhancing the quality of life in the Mountain State. The Chamber is a proactive leader in: the search for solutions to problems, a voice for free market competition and streamlined government, a catalyst for progressive thinking and problem solving, and a partner with government for progress in West Virginia. The West Virginia Chamber of Commerce is the largest, most influential general business organization, representing all business sectors in every region of the state. Members range from small business enterprises to mid-size manufacturers to tourism destinations to energy companies to Fortune 500 corporations. However, small businesses are the core of our membership -- making up 95 percent of the West Virginia Chamber's companies and firms. West Virginia Chamber members are located in all fifty-five counties and employ over half of West Virginia’s workforce



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1624 Kanawha Blvd E, Charleston, WV 25311, USA

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wvma wvmac logoWVMA is West Virginia's leading voice in manufacturing. We champion policies at both state and federal levels, collaborating with groups like the American Chemistry Council. Our members receive exclusive expertise in environmental protection, workers' compensation, tax, and safety, along with enhanced industry connections.

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